Experience of EU customs tariff mechanism in conditions of sustainable development

Keywords: customs tariff mechanism, customs tariffs, duties, sustainable development, VAT


The article discusses the international experience of the customs tariff mechanism in the EU in the context of sustainable development. The legal aspect was analyzed, and an experiment was carried out, based on which it was practically proved that it is possible to defer payment of VAT while using the 4200-transit regime in the European Union. Procedure 4200 allows the import of goods from third countries into the territory of one of the EU countries with their subsequent delivery to another EU country using the cancellation of the obligation to pay value added tax during customs clearance. This directly affects the ability to reduce the cost of purchasing goods for buyers and get a deferred VAT payment, which has a positive effect on the ability of a business to develop, as well as to be more competitive in foreign markets and in neighboring countries. Therefore, it has a positive effect on the achievement of sustainable development goals: overcoming poverty, overcoming hunger, decent work and economic growth, and partnership for sustainable development. The experience of the EU customs tariff mechanism in the context of sustainable development is of great importance for implementation in Ukraine during the period of European integration. Foreign experience of the customs tariff mechanism can become one of the main tools for the improvement of the customs system of Ukraine. The advantages that European companies have at the time of admission of goods into circulation contributes to a smoother cash and commodity turnover. Clearer procedures for those who buy goods with purpose of resale allows trading companies to avoid paying VAT on the resale of goods, being able to maintain a low resale value of the goods, and without having significant VAT payments. In Ukraine, all intermediaries are obliged to pay VAT and do not have such advantages, therefore, they are less likely to develop trading companies. Additional opportunities for business development show us how the possibility of non-payment of VAT gives an advantage in the formation of an intermediary business sector. All 17 Sustainable Development Goals can be met by presenting more earning opportunities to the business.


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How to Cite
Lytvynova, I. (2021). Experience of EU customs tariff mechanism in conditions of sustainable development. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (88), 14-17. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.2021.2.3