Food security as an invariant of the economic security system: mixological approach and innovative design of sustainability properties

  • Tatiana Yegorova-Gudkova Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
  • Oleg Zvirkov Zvirkov O.E., FG
  • Oleg Khostash Odessa Branch of the State Public Joint-Stock Company «National Joint-Stock Company «Ukragroleasing»
Keywords: food safety, economic security, mixeology approach, invariant approach, innovative design of stability


The object of research is food security as a structural component of the state economic security system on the example of Ukraine. The level of provision of food and raw materials for the food industry in Ukraine requires improvement of the system of designing food safety due to the introduction of an innovative approach in theory and the mechanism of designing utility (quality) of food products and raw materials based on the use of fundamental constants of natural management and structural harmony of systems.When conducting research, fundamental provisions and methods of the theory of safety studies, economic theory, theories of systems and structural harmony of systems, institutionalism, transdisciplinary nature were used. It should be noted that the theory of synergetics and repuddity, as a result of the system synthesis of the transdisciplinary approach, a chemical approach, the classical theory of systems, structural harmony of systems, the theory of fractals and attractors is not used in the study of food security problems. The design of the system provides that any system has a metric characteristics inherent to it. The measure or proportional distribution in terms of mathematical characteristics of the universe is characterized by FIDIA constant (golden section) with derivatives. The law of the measure of nature-like management looks like the law of existence of sustainable systems. Designing of food safety system at all levels of hierarchical management and production organization can also be carried out on the basis of mathematical constants of proportional distribution, which, according to authors, will affect the qualitative characteristics of the state of the system of its stability and abilities to self-organization. Directly, at the level of production organization it is possible to use a mixing approach, or compliance with the development of prescriptions of proportional distribution of components based on compliance with attractions of a recurrent number of golden sections: 0.500 ...; 0.618 ...; 0.682 ...; 0.725, as well as – distractors: 0.5698 ...; 0.6540 ...; 0.7053 ..


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How to Cite
Yegorova-Gudkova, T., Zvirkov, O., & Khostash, O. (2021). Food security as an invariant of the economic security system: mixological approach and innovative design of sustainability properties. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (88), 9-13.