Formation of the economic mechanism of nature management in the context of a new global environmental architectonics

Keywords: economic mechanism, environmental management, global environmental architectonics, fiscal regulation, carbon adjustment, budget


The purpose of the article is to develop priority directions for the formation of an economic mechanism for nature management, taking into account the set of requirements that are put forward by the new global environmental architectonics. It is proved that the new global environmental architectonics is based on: Global Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN; a new climate agreement approved in Glasgow (Great Britain); carbon adjustment by the European Union of imports of third-country products in order to achieve indicators of carbon neutrality on the European continent. The relevance of this research topic follows from the need to identify the determining influence of the basic provisions of international environmental conventions on the specification of methods, tools and levers of the domestic economic mechanism of nature management. The preparation of the article was based on the use of such methods of scientific research: abstract-logical – to identify methods and tools that should be integrated into the economic mechanism of nature management; the method of comparative analysis – to determine the amount of budget expenditures for environmental protection in comparable prices based on dividing the nominal value of these expenditures by the cumulative producer price index of industrial products; institutional approach-to identify the impact of the basic provisions of international environmental conventions on the institutionalization of fiscal and financial and credit instruments of regulatory impact on environmental users. It is established that the transformation of the domestic economic mechanism of nature management in the short and medium term should be most determined by the Global Sustainable Development Goals. These goals relate to clean water and adequate sanitation, renewable energy, sustainable development of cities and communities, responsible consumption, combating climate change, preserving marine ecosystems and land ecosystems. It is proved that the basic provisions of the new climate agreement should correlate with the priorities of modernization of fiscal regulation of Environmental Management in terms of stimulating the processes of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. It is proved that in order to minimize the losses of domestic producers-exporters of products to the European Union due to the application of the border carbon adjustment mechanism from 2023, it is necessary to apply a set of preventive measures, in particular through stimulating the implementation of low-carbon development projects.


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How to Cite
Medynska, N. (2021). Formation of the economic mechanism of nature management in the context of a new global environmental architectonics. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (87), 44-50.