Analysis of the market of cinema chains guests
Was conducted the research of consumer behavior potential and available visitors of cinema chains by polling the population of Ukraine. 26 questions were divided to the group: demographic, aimed to get the information about sex, social and marital status of respondent; questions connected with visiting cinema – from the stage of buying the ticket to the visiting; attitude respondent to the cinema. From the getting data were modeling segmentation of population divided on target and potential auditory of visitors. Made the analysis of similar research, witch were conducted in different times in Ukraine, highlighted similar lynx to reveal critical factors of efficiency for marketing strategy of cinema chains. By the result of research were made the recommendations for marketing strategy of Ukrainian cinema chains. Since the repertoire of the cinema is updated weekly, and most of these respondents visit the cinema most often - once a month, it is possible to increase the frequency of visits. Guests who do not buy food at the bar mostly buy tickets at the box office, and therefore should expand communication with this segment through the scripts of cashiers with a promotion at the bar. VIP-hall need to be promoted through positioning as a way to have a perfect date, the target audience is men in pairs. The largest number of tickets are bought by women married to children, and they rarely go to the cinema and do not use the loyalty program. It is necessary to include them in the loyalty program and to encourage an increase in the frequency of visits through incentives and announcements. Pre-premiere screenings are attended by respondents motivated to watch the expected film, so you should focus on being subscribed to the social networks of the cinema and create a stir for films, so that long before the premiere they were informed about interesting facts about the film, his cast, etc. Our study showed that the level of loyalty among users of the loyalty program is many times higher than among those who do not. This means that cinemas need to use a loyalty program in their marketing strategies, and those who already have a loyalty program need to focus and engage visitors.
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