New marketing technologies of product promotion
The fields of marketing and advertising have experienced dramatic changes because consumers have changed the way they research and shop for goods and services. As more people turn to the Internet, businesses increase their chances for success by building an online presence through e-marketing, or marketing online. Marketing in the digital world is crucial for entrepreneurs and small-business owners and can significantly impact business growth. Promoting a product involves creative marketing strategies to increase sales by reaching a specific audience. Launching and promoting a product are both part of the process businesses complete to boost revenue and build brand loyalty. Understanding product promotion learn marketing strategy to increase sales and grow brand awareness. Products promotion is the process of marketing a new or featured item or service to consumers. It is a group of techniques used to bring attention to a brand and a specific product when it is first released into the market or once a company decides to feature this item after it's been launched. Promoting a product is any important way to drive sales and increase revenue to cover costs for initial research and development, manufacturing costs and product trials. However, a carefully planned promotional campaign can bring large profits once the product gains attention in the consumer marketplace. The article examines the definition of "promotion", its basic concepts, types and functions, possible ways to increase profits and demand for goods. Modern methods of reaching the target audience and promoting goods on the market are identified. The main directions and tasks of product promotion are clarified. Modern promotion tools are outlined, in particular, the focus is on modern marketing tools for product promotion, namely content marketing and SMM. Their main advantages and disadvantages are identified. The modern media market is studied, in particular the use of social networks to promote goods and create a positive image for the brand. According to the results of the study, conclusions were formed on the feasibility of developing a strategy for the promotion of goods using modern technologies on the Internet.
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