Economic aspects of beekeeping business activity in Ukraine

  • O.V, Shkarupa Sumy State University
  • A.A. Treus Sumy State University
Keywords: apiculture, beekeeping, economy, business, bioresurces


Beekeeping is one of the potential businesses in Ukraine. Country has a long history of this business activity development. Nowadays beekeepers in Ukraine use only 10 % of branch potential. Natural and labor conditions of Ukraine allow significant increase of the country share of beekeeping products in the international market.

The study tries to examine real estate of this agricultural branch with help of open data resources and beekeepers survey. Small and middle-sized apiaries was taken to account because as open data show they are the main players on market of beekeeping products and services in Ukraine.  For example, if talk about honey production in the country, we can see that big enterprises produce only 1.5%.

Beekeeping activity in Ukraine has some legislative and economic problems. The main problems for beekeepers are low wholesale honey prices, lack of cooperation and lack of government support.

In study are some advices for improvement estate of apicultural business based on example of experiences of other countries and on results of survey.  For instance, in USA beekeepers get 50% of revenue from pollination payments and in Ukraine this aspect is not regulated legislatively.

The most marketable bee product is honey, but its value is many times smaller than the value of pollination. The study shows how honey production and others kind of apicultural production and services (propolis, vax, bee colonies, pollen, pollination services, apituristic services, royal jelly) are developed in Ukraine, and what problems beekeepers faces nowadays.

Previous researches were focused mainly on honey production and based on  open data and data of experts survives. Researches about beekeepers cooperative movement in Ukraine did not take to account the desire of beekeepers to join the cooperatives. All this aspects were included to the research.


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How to Cite
Shkarupa, O., & Treus, A. (2018). Economic aspects of beekeeping business activity in Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (6(76), 86-88. Retrieved from