Intellectual capital management as a way to improve competitiveness of enterprise
In this article was proved the exceptional value of intellectual capital as a factor for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in the post-industrial circumstances of economic development. Intellectual capital is a complex of socio-economic relations, which are related to the formation, exploitation and renovation of knowledge. Elements of intellectual capital are grouped into four group: human capital, capital of relations, technological capital and organizational (structural) capital. Management of intellectual capital of an enterprise should be based on understanding of the main importance of knowledge reproduction in the enterprise. The intellectual capital movement can be parted into three stages: formation, consumption and renovation. Intellectual capital accepts and discharges three functional forms: monetary, productive and commodity. At the second stage of the intellectual capital movement the human capital combines with capital of relations, technological capital and organizational capital of the enterprise. As a result of carrying out research and development is creation of a new knowledge, which leads to the creation of a new value.
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