Methodical approach on the evaluation of distributors at commercialization of industrial goods

  • O.A. Bilovodska Sumy State University
  • A.K. Shymarina Sumy State University
Keywords: evaluation, distributor, commercialization, industrial goods


In the work on the basis of comparative analysis of expert, analytical and combined methods of distributor’s estimation, a methodical approach of their estimation in the market of industrial goods is offered. In particular, as the criteria for evaluation proposed to apply: the correspondence of the actual and planned volumes of selling; attracting new customers; the proportion of the intermediary in the total volume of sales of the industrial enterprise, in comparison with the expenses for work with this distributor; performance of contractual terms.


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How to Cite
Bilovodska, O., & Shymarina, A. (2018). Methodical approach on the evaluation of distributors at commercialization of industrial goods. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (6(76), 59-62. Retrieved from