Management of logistic business processes of trade enterprises: problems of theory and practice

Keywords: trade enterprise, process approach, business processes, logistic function, logistic business process, business process management model


The article is devoted to the issues of theoretical generalization and clarification of the essence and content of logistic business processes of trade enterprises, as well as the formulation of some practical recommendations for improving the management of logistic business processes of trade enterprises. The need to build a comprehensive, appropriately organized and structured system of interconnected and connected with the external economic environment  logistic business processes of each (including - trade) enterprise is emphasized.Insufficient formation of the theoretical basis on the issue of the essence of logistic business processes of enterprises, their features in trade enterprises and the development of mechanisms of so-called. logistic management. The analysis revealed the presence of contradictions in the interpretation of the concept of "logistic business processes", as well as differences in species diversity, content and methods of implementation of logistic business processes of wholesale and retail trade.Based on the essence of the term "process" in economic activity, a refined author's interpretation of the business process is proposed, as well as an original basic model of business process management. The key role of the category "function of the enterprise's activity" in the formation of the typology of business processes of enterprises, in particular - trade, is proven.The objective validity and expediency of allocating a group of logistic business processes in the array of business processes of trade enterprises, which have independent significance or provide logistical support for the implementation of commercial functions of a wholesaler or retailer, has been established. The approaches of some scientists to the classification of business processes of trade enterprises are analyzed, the essence and features of logistic business processes of trade enterprises are specified. The need for clear identification and regulation of logistic business processes of trade enterprises is emphasized, author's recommendations for the formation of a list of logistic business processes, taking into account the type and scale of trade activities of the business entity, are formulated.


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How to Cite
Mishchuk , I., & Marii , O. (2019). Management of logistic business processes of trade enterprises: problems of theory and practice. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 153-159.