Organizational and legal regulation of interaction between subjects of investment activity and united territorial communities in the sphere of tourism

Keywords: united territorial community, investments, investment projects, organizational and legal regulation, sphere of tourism


Today, Ukraine's investment attractiveness largely depends on macro and micro indicators and its image in the international market. It is a system of monitoring by the state to ensure a real effective mechanism for compliance with the legal framework for the rights of investors in Ukraine. The implementation of investment and innovation projects is a topical issue for the sphere of tourism, which is actively developing in the united territorial communities. To ensure the positive development and implementation of these projects, it is necessary to properly construct the concept of work in this direction, and this is possible only under favorable conditions of the regulatory framework. The article analyzes the organized legal system of the interaction of investment entities in the sphere of tourism for the united territorial communities. The basic normative-legal documents which provide legal mutual relations between subjects of investment activity are investigated and characterized. The influence of the state on the investment process is determined. It is proved that the dynamic implementation of investment activities is a necessary condition for sustainable economic growth in all sectors of Ukraine's economy in general and tourism in particular, as it creates new jobs, pays taxes to local and regional budgets, and improves welfare and community infrastructure. It is established that an integral part of a favorable investment climate is the proper legal regulation of investment relations on the basis of balancing private interests, investors to obtain the desired return on investment. It is determined that despite the extraordinary diversity of investment relations, their successful regulation requires the formation of a number of draft amendments and their implementation in public investment policy as a whole, for the successful implementation of investment regulation at the state level and united territorial communities.


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How to Cite
Smovzhenko , T., Korkuna , O., & Kulyk , O. (2019). Organizational and legal regulation of interaction between subjects of investment activity and united territorial communities in the sphere of tourism. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 149-152.