Contemporary forms of healthcare facilities funding in Ukraine in the context of the healthcare reform

Keywords: health care system, medical reform, financing, sources of funding, medical service, budget program


The ongoing implementation of systemic changes in healthcare in Ukraine provided by the Concept of the Healthcare System Funding Reform launched in 2017 stipulates the pivotal transformation of the healthcare funding principles. In our opinion, the systemic work towards the sector’s reforming and improvement of its financial mechanism based on the best practices of the developed countries and new management technology can bring domestic healthcare and medical organizations funded in the framework of the Territorial Guarantees Program to the new level of efficiency. The paper aims to outline the features of new rules of the healthcare facilities funding in Ukraine under the healthcare reform. The advantages of the new funding principle for medical science are identified. Alternative financing options for medical institutions that have been registered in the form of public utility companies but have not yet been contracted with the National Health Service of Ukraine are identified. Possible financing options applied within the framework of the budgetary legislation under the healthcare reform are analyzed. The complex of actions for the realization of funding from the local budget within the framework of a program-target method (according to the budget program) is considered. The directions of funding are determined based on the concluded agreement on public health services. The budget funding is revealed to provide: equal access to public healthcare; the possibility of optimizing the healthcare system on a national scale; relatively simple technology for funding and remuneration in this area. The main purpose of the healthcare reform is identified as addressing major health problems, such as poor quality and efficiency of healthcare services, inefficient spending of budgetary resources and, as a consequence, catastrophic healthcare costs for households. The paper suggests to develop and implement a healthcare funding system that addresses the citizens' needs. The feasibility of combining different funding sources to greatly improve both the financing of medicine and the quality of services is emphasized.


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How to Cite
Kvasniy , L., Shcherban , O., Romaniv, O., & Popadynets , N. (2019). Contemporary forms of healthcare facilities funding in Ukraine in the context of the healthcare reform. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 144-148.