Structural peculiarities of export potential of the grain subcomplex of agro-industrial complex
Ensuring the effective functioning of the domestic grain product subcomplex (ZP) is one of the most pressing problems in the development of the entire agro-industrial complex of the state. This is due to the fact that grain production, in addition to important socio-economic, also has political significance for the development of the national economy. In the article we study the export potential within the economic potential as its component, which reflects the possibilities of the economic system to integrate into the world economic space. Grain has always been one of the most competitive products on the world market and can be a significant lever of influence on the world economy. Favorable conditions for grain production in Ukraine are the basis for the formation of the export potential of the grain subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex, which can provide the state budget with stable foreign exchange earnings. Therefore, scientific substantiation of the export potential structure of the agro-industrial complex requires further research. The article defines the content of the export potential of the grain subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex. Namely, it is defines as a system component of the economic potential of the grain subcomplex of agro-industrial complex, the organizational and technical structure of which is subject to the mission and objectives of the complex and which is responsible for the sales capacity of products (services) on the world market. The components of the export potential of the grain subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex are highlighted - the export potential of the material production branches; export potential of service industries; potential of export barriers; potential of foreign markets. The essence of the structure-forming components of the export potential of grain of the food subcomplex of agro-industrial complex is substantiated.
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