Approaches to the development and making of strategic decisions in the conditions of uncertainty in the context of updating the content of information security
The dynamics of changes in the external environment of the enterprise complicate its strategic vision and create additional components of uncertainty, which generally take the form of turbulence. Strategic management requires prudent strategic decisions, which should take into account the consequences of developed plans and provide opportunities for the development of tactical actions based on changes in the environment of the enterprise. The article considers the peculiarities of the formation of information support for the development of strategic decisions and strategy selection in conditions of uncertainty and turbulence of the external environment. Four levels of uncertainty are proposed and considered. Рroposed to divide the uncertainty into 4 levels: Level 1 - fairly accurately predicted future; Level 2 - alternatives for the future; Level 3 - a range of possible options for the future; Level 4 - complete uncertainty. It is established that the current situation requires rethinking the time horizon of strategic decision-making, changing approaches to business strategies that were acceptable in conditions of stable market growth, but in conditions of turbulence and uncertainty do not work, changes in information content of decision-making. Our proposed characteristics of the levels of uncertainty in decision-making on the choice of enterprise strategy are relevant, because the forecasts and expectations of most international and local business leaders are now disappointing. The characteristics of the main types of strategies according to the levels of uncertainty are given. It is established that the current situation requires rethinking the time horizon of strategic decision-making, changing approaches to business strategies, which were acceptable in conditions of stable market growth, but in conditions of turbulence and uncertainty do not work, changes in information content of decision-making.
2. Information and analytical materials URL:
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