Improving the investment capacity of the Carpathian region through the use of crowd-technologies
The paper researches the global experience of the use of crowd-technologies. The interpretation and main content of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and crowdinvesting are outlined. The advantages and risks for all participants of the crowdfunding platforms are determined. The use of crowd-technologies as a tool to increase the investment capacity of the Carpathian region is suggested. The reasonability of developing the regulative documents on crowdfunding by legislative authorities is explained. The need to create the crowd-funding platform of the Carpathian region as a communicative ground for businesses and communities and to raise public awareness about its capacities is proven. Five regimes of crowdfunding model regulation used worldwide are characterized. The reasonability of the use of crowdinvesting to attract foreign and domestic investment is emphasized. The practical use of crowdsourcing at the regional level is displayed on the example of best global practices. The advantages obtained by a community by communication with authorities through the use of crowdsourcing are outlined. The informing of authorities, business, and community on the opportunities to use crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and crowdinvesting are suggested. The reasonability of the use of crowd-technologies in the economy of the Carpathian region complexly (in a package) is proven. The use of crowd-technologies is substantiated to be the innovative instrument of investment attraction and investment capacity increase in the Carpathian region.
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