Strategic directions management development of marketing activity agricultural enterprises

Keywords: agricultural enterprise, marketing activity, development management, marketing, strategy


The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of managing the development of marketing activities in agricultural enterprises. The research topics are revealed on the basis of the conducted researches on the main conditions and tendencies connected with the introduction of marketing support in the agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the development of marketing activities in today's dynamic environment, plays a key role in ensuring the success of enterprises.

It is determined that the success of the enterprise, the effective implementation of its strategic plans depends on a number of subjective and objective factors, among which an important role is played by factors related to the improvement of marketing activities. In turn, the implementation of strategic directions for the development of marketing activities is carried out with the help of the strategy chosen by the company, because it is, under conditions of successful implementation, ensures the achievement of the goal. The development of these priorities is impossible without the formation of elements of marketing support for enterprises and the formation of marketing services.


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How to Cite
Markina , I., Fedirets , O., & Korniienko , B. (2019). Strategic directions management development of marketing activity agricultural enterprises . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 101-105.