Theoretical fundamentals of formation of competitiveness and competitive advantages of rural green tourism en-terprises
The article defines the content of the category of competitiveness and establishes its features in relation to rural green tourism enterprises. It is established that they function not so much in the conditions of intra-branch, but so much inter-branch competition. For the Ukrainian countryside, it is more traditional and typical to operate any-sized agricultural enterprises that make a profit under almost any conditions on the basis of diversification of production. It was found that in such circumstances, the existing internal and external competitive advantages of rural green tourism enterprises should have additional support from rural communities, budget and tax preferences and other forms and instruments of state support. This will strengthen their competitive position in order not only to generate profits and meet the needs of consumers in recreation, but also increase employment and living standards of rural residents, reduce the production burden on the environment and solve environmental problems in rural areas, accelerate development of related industries and activities.
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