System management of priority areas of development of farms and agricultural enterprises

Keywords: farms, agricultural enterprises, priority areas, development, system management, components, monitoring, accounting and analytical support


The article examines the essence of system management of priority areas of development of farms and agricultural enterprises. At the same time, as a system with a certain set of subspecies, functions, and management tools, it is also considered as system entities – economic entities. The important components of system management are defined as functional, process, and responsibility center management. Their involvement is the most promising in relation to the priority areas of development of farms and agricultural enterprises. They allow you to use special tools, methods and techniques that are appropriate to the content of priority areas. At the same time, in the information and analytical support of management decisions, much attention is paid to monitoring and accounting of economic activity.


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How to Cite
Skrypnyk , S. (2019). System management of priority areas of development of farms and agricultural enterprises. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 83-87.