Land resource potential and its role in the sustainable development of the region

Keywords: potential, land resources, sustainable development, land protection, land and resource potential


The article highlights trends, approaches and usage patterns of land and resource potential. It is proved that the conceptual framework of sustainable development related to conservation and environmental protection. Proved the key role of land resources in the natural resource potential. We investigated the role of land resourcesas a basis of economic activities, territorial resources, the main means of production. Refinedconceptualandcategoricalframeworkinthecontextofthedefinitionof "potential", "natural resources", "land resource potential". Conducted an over all assessment of the use of the land resourcep otential of Odesa region in the framework of the strategic pillars of sustainable development and the directions of the irrational use and protection. It is emphasized that in the structure of land use there are important disparities: there was a very high level of economic development, a significantlevel of tilled soil, low forest cover, low level of security conservation are as environmental sustainability of the Odesa regionis characterized a sunstable and the current high level of anthropogenic load, thereis a General trend of deterioration of measures for land protection. It is noted that the development of the region can be solved only in the complex solution of social, economic and environmental problems, which is the fundamental component of the concept of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Kalyna , T., Shushulkov , S., & Arzumanian , T. (2019). Land resource potential and its role in the sustainable development of the region . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 78-82.