Monitoring the efficiency of enterprises in the transport sector of the region

Keywords: efficiency monitoring, transport industry, region, profitability, transportation cost, transport industry enterprises


The article determines the level of efficiency of enterprises in the transport sector of the region by analyzing the indicators of the reduced cost of transportation, profitability, net profit (loss) from the activities of enterprises.

It is established that the availability of infrastructure networks is an important prerequisite for the development of the transport sector of the regions of Ukraine. The economic growth of the region is largely due to the functionality of transport infrastructure, which is able to ensure the efficiency of movement and quality service. Lack of developed transport infrastructure is the most problematic issue of strengthening the economic potential of regions and prevents the widespread involvement of modern production, its technical and technological renewal, broad involvement in the production process of the resource base of individual regions, strengthening ties between industries and services, strengthening economic ties. languages ​​between remote areas.

Studies have shown that in practice quite often the transportation of goods by one mode of transport becomes impossible and requires the involvement of other types, which encourages the planning of transport processes on different modes of transport, the transition to information and logistics methods of service. The mechanisms of competition and self-organization of transport enterprises in the system of multimodal transportation are underdeveloped, and state regulation is insufficiently effective. Globalization processes and European integration conditions put forward new requirements for the activity of transport enterprises in the system of multimodal transportation, but the implemented state policy does not meet these challenges.

Measures to ensure the further development of transport enterprises at the regional level are proposed. An objective assessment of the efficiency of the transport industry is of great importance, as it characterizes the success of the management of the enterprise, forms its image, justifies the feasibility of investment.

Effective transport support of the regions of Ukraine involves the fulfillment of two conditions:

- creation of the required number of transport facilities in the region, taking into account its area, population, industrial and domestic needs;

- providing opportunities for using the existing potential of the region and creating preconditions for its expansion.


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How to Cite
Mashkantseva , S. (2019). Monitoring the efficiency of enterprises in the transport sector of the region. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 69-72.