Trade cluster in trade enterprises development strategies
In modern economic conditions, the economic entities effective development should take place on the base of the most relevant and progressive organizational and economic decisions. The cluster approach is one of such decisions for economic entities competitiveness providing. World practice shows the active development of cluster associations and their importance for the regions and the countries. Clusters are factors of the innovative activity of participating enterprises, and it creates the preconditions for cluster, region and country as a whole development. There is a «core» in the cluster structure; it is set of enterprises which provide cluster’s basic processes and determine the main product and service production. The trade cluster can be formed by the enterprises which are at different stages of goods promotion from producer to consumer. The main criterion for the trade cluster formation is trade link leading role in the cluster formation. Specifics peculiarities of trade clusters formation allow their several types distinguishing; these types are distinguished by competition level within the cluster and level of relations formalization between cluster members. Competitive trade cluster combines a set of similar activity type traders in one local space. Cooperative trade cluster provides trade entities orders placement from producers of different goods groups under its own brand. Complementary trade cluster brings together a set of complementary traders in single local space. Corporate trade cluster involves combination of related entities (supply, production, delivery) around a retailer. The participation of trade enterprises in clusters allows solving the problems of their activities efficiency and competitiveness increasing.
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