In the current conditions of economic instability and environmental challenges, it is important to find effective ways to increase the resource potential of regions, particularly through strengthening the role of small farms and family farming in inclusive rural transformation. The aim of this study was to analyze the contribution of small farms and family farming to regional food security, identify the main problems and challenges, and develop practical recommendations for overcoming them by creating "Sustainable Ecosystems" coordination centers and living laboratories based on rural territorial communities. It was found that a significant portion of agricultural products is produced by small farms and family farming, but their contribution is gradually decreasing due to a number of factors, such as insufficient financial support, limited access to modern technologies and markets. The analysis also showed that climate change, war, and resource inequality significantly affect the stability and development of these farms. Based on the analysis conducted, an innovative approach to inclusive rural transformation has been proposed, which includes the creation of "Sustainable Ecosystems" coordination centers and living laboratories in rural territorial communities of the Sumy region. The main functions of the coordination centers are to support and develop cooperatives, ensure access to financing, provide consulting services, and implement innovative technologies. The living laboratories will serve as platforms for testing the latest agricultural practices and technologies, engaging local farmers in experimental projects to enhance their knowledge and skills. The expected results from the implementation of this approach include strengthening cooperation between united territorial communities and households, increasing households' awareness of challenges and ways to overcome the consequences of climate change, and improving the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. The study's conclusion emphasizes the importance of supporting small farms and family farming as crucial agents in preserving ecosystems and agricultural biodiversity in the regions. The implementation of the proposed approach will contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas, increase their resource potential, and ensure food security.
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