• Andrii Dobrynskyi Polissia National University
Keywords: information entrepreneurship, information technologies, transaction costs, economic analysis, innovation, business models


The article explores the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of information entrepreneurship in the context of modern challenges, particularly the ongoing war in Ukraine and global transformations. It is demonstrated that the integration of information technologies into business models enhances competitiveness, reduces transaction costs, and improves interaction between market participants. The study discusses key methodological approaches, including the systemic and process-oriented approaches, for analyzing the impact of information technologies on entrepreneurial activities. The article identifies major barriers and opportunities for the growth of information entrepreneurship in times of crisis, highlighting the role of digital tools in improving enterprise management efficiency. Information technologies, such as digital platforms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, are essential drivers for innovative business models in the digital economy. The study underscores the importance of these technologies in optimizing resource usage, automating business processes, and enhancing decision-making through real-time data analysis. The economic impact of information entrepreneurship is further analyzed through financial, strategic, and marketing analysis, illustrating the potential of IT to transform traditional business models in various sectors of the economy. The research emphasizes the need for effective economic analysis tools to evaluate the financial performance and return on investment (ROI) in IT projects. Furthermore, it outlines how transaction costs are reduced through the use of information technologies, enabling faster and more efficient interactions with partners, suppliers, and customers. The systemic approach allows for a comprehensive analysis of how businesses interact with their environments, while the process-oriented approach focuses on optimizing specific business processes through IT integration. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of continuing research into the role of digital technologies in transforming business models, particularly in the context of war and crisis. Future research should explore how artificial intelligence and machine learning can further enhance the adaptability and flexibility of businesses in uncertain conditions. Additionally, strategies for minimizing risks associated with conflict and developing long-term plans for business resilience are of paramount importance for the continued development of information entrepreneurship.


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