Keywords: green economy, marketing strategies, sustainability, marketing success, sustainable development, methodological principles, environmental management systems


The expansion of access to the world trade space determines the need to track priority market trends, which contain profitable opportunities from the side of obtaining both direct profit from products sold in the trade network, and indirect - in the form of budgetary support of a certain type, grants, investments, low-interest credit programs, etc. The growing attention of consumers and public leaders to the green economy of various scales and perspectives, as an important component of improving the state of the environment, and one of the main components of the triad of sustainable development, determines the growth of interest on the part of top managers, scientists, and numerous stakeholders in the strategies of environmental marketing and its potential , by determining the improvement of both environmental and economic indicators. Considering the popularity of environmental marketing, which it has gained in recent decades, it should be noted that in the marketing literature, relatively little attention has been paid to the evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental marketing, both in the context of building sectoral strategies and at the level of a business unit. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to investigate the methodological basis for evaluating the effectiveness of green marketing, and to propose appropriate methodological approaches. Various approaches to the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of green marketing enhancement programs in a changing world are outlined. Current opportunities for measuring and strengthening their success are presented for companies and organizations of any type that need practical tools to manage and strengthen participation in green economy trends. Using data from multiple sources, the authors found that evaluating the effectiveness of green marketing can be substantiated by the various methods, criteria, and scales used to evaluate green marketing. However, these methods are described by dozens of authors and contain large volumes of research, which is difficult to interpret without revealing the specifics of each of the applicable approaches. A feature of these studies are surveys containing many factors of regional regulation, access to incentives and personal professionalism. The contribution of our research focuses on offering well-founded guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of green marketing in a modern organization, applying modern tools of SEM (Environmental Management Systems) at strategic, tactical and operational levels.


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Explaining ISO 14007 and 14008 by case study. Introduction and application of ISO 14007 and 14008 ISO 14007 Guidelines for determining environmental costs and benefits & ISO 14008 Monetary valuation of environmental impacts and related aspects Applied in a Case Study for a Stock Holding Investment Company by the Conveners of the ISO Workgroups in TC 207/SC1: WG 7 - ISO 14008 Bengt Steen, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden and SIS WG 8 - ISO 14007 Franz Knecht, CONNEXIS AG - ESG Advisory Basel, Switzerland, and SNV 09.11.2020. 27 p. Available at:

Naden Clare (May 9, 2019) New standard helps SMEs get ahead with ISO 14001. Tagged as EnvironmentManagement systems. Available at:

Ottman J. A. (2017) The New Rules of Green Marketing. Strategies, Tools and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding. New York: Routledge. In book: The New Rules of Green marketing, pp. 43–55. DOI:

Papadas K. K., Avlonitis G. J., Carrigan M. (2017) Green marketing orientation: conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, vol. 80, pp. 236–246. DOI:

Rex E., Baumann H. (2007) Beyond ecolabels: what green marketing can learn from conventional marketing. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 15(6), pp. 567–576. DOI:

Saxena S. (2015) Are they really green: flipping the second side of green marketing coin - a critical analysis using selected cases? Amity Global Business Review, vol. 10, pp. 110–113.

Skackauskiene I., Vilkaite-Vaitone N. (2019) Methodological perspective of evaluation of green marketing performance. Economics and Business, vol. 33, pp. 183–191. DOI:

Vilkaite-Vaitone N., Skackauskiene I. (2019) Green marketing orientation: evolution, conceptualization and potential benefits. Open Economics, vol. 2(1), pp. 53–62. DOI:

Zampese E. R. S., Moori R. G., Caldeira A. (2016) Green marketing as a mediator between supply chain management and organizational performance. Revista de Administracao Mackenzie, vol. 17(3), pp. 183–211.

Zhang L., Fu J. (2017) Performance evaluation of the green marketing of circular economy based on the combination of expert evaluation of neural network. 3 rd Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. Pp. 56–62. DOI:

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