Keywords: CRM system, functions of CRM system, marketing, mechanism and tools of CRM system


The article reveals the essence of the CRM system. The main elements, principles of the CRM system are considered, and the main stages of the implementation of the CRM system are given. The importance of CRM tools, which allow the enterprise to optimize the process of interaction with customers, as well as to create an effective mechanism for managing marketing, sales and service, is substantiated. The main functions of the CRM system are analyzed, which optimize the work of the sales department, are aimed at improving the quality of service and increasing the company's profit. The importance of the CRM system, as well as the majority of automated information systems designed for the rapid processing of a large amount of information, is determined. CRM is a system for managing relationships with customers and optimizing business processes. The functions of the CRM system are diverse and cover a wide range of activities. For sales teams, CRM systems provide tools for lead generation, opportunity management, and sales forecasting. Customer service departments benefit from CRM systems by reducing response times, tracking customer inquiries, and resolving issues effectively. Like other automated information systems, the value of a CRM system lies in its ability to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. By automating routine tasks and providing access to real-time information, CRM systems enable organizations to make informed decisions and respond promptly to customer needs. In the field of marketing, CRM systems have proven to be invaluable assets. Using customer data, organizations can develop targeted marketing campaigns, personalize customer experiences, and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. CRM systems also allow companies to identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, maximizing long-term customer value. The future of CRM systems is promising with constant advancements in technology and increasing adoption. As organizations continue to recognize the benefits of CRM, we can expect even more sophisticated and integrated solutions to emerge. The implementation of a CRM system can significantly improve a company's marketing activities, increase customer satisfaction, and contribute to overall business development. CRM systems facilitate knowledge management, collaboration and reporting, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations. It has been proven that the use of a CRM system for marketing helps to use customer data in the development of the company's strategy. Conclusions have been made regarding the prospects for the implementation of CRM systems and its impact on increasing the efficiency of the company's marketing activities.


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How to Cite
Mieshkov, S. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF CRM SYSTEMS FOR INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COMPANY’S MARKETING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3 (99), 45-50.