The relevance of the study lies in a new angle of looking at the possibility of using motivational tools to ensure personnel security of business in the realities of wartime. The purpose of the publication was to specify the necessity and possibilities of using personnel motivation as a technology for managing business personnel security in the business management system. The research used the monographic method, the method of content analysis of digital information sources and specialized scientific literature; techniques of theoretical generalization and systematization of scientific results are used during the formation of conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the expediency of using personnel motivation as a technology for managing personnel security of business in the management system of entrepreneurial activity is substantiated. The list of effective forms of staff motivation is summarized, which includes long-term contracts, participation in the company's profits, flexible working hours, increased vacations and reduced working hours, additional social guarantees, for example, health insurance for the employee and his family members, free medical examinations in private medical institutions, payment of rest and educational activities, provision of resources for professional development, the opportunity to work remotely, from a safe and comfortable space. It is suggested that the techniques and practices of staff motivation form the basis of Ukrainian employer brands. The importance and necessity of using the concept of human centricity in personnel management is emphasized and the opinion is substantiated that only recognizing employees as the main and most valuable business resource and confirming this with real motivational mechanisms will guarantee a high level of personnel security and the efficiency of business functioning in the long term. The practical value of the article lies in the possibility of using the author's conclusions during the development or updating of personnel policies of Ukrainian enterprises, the formation of employer brands, the creation and modernization of personnel and financial and economic security systems.
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