The article is devoted to the development of a conceptual model of strategic support for innovative and informational changes in the national economy. The relevance of the selected research topic is proven, taking into account the exceptional role of innovative and informational changes in modern conditions, both in the short-term and in the long-term. It has been established that the concept of strategic provision of innovative and informational changes needs specification, and the process of its implementation needs streamlining. Descriptive and system-structural analysis was used to solve the research task. In addition, the methods of statistical processing, standardization and summarization of data, criterion analysis during the assessment and typology of innovative and informational changes were applied, the results of which are the basis for choosing the direction of strategic initiatives. The article examines the concept of provision, offers its own vision of provision of innovative and informational changes, including strategic ones. A conceptual model of strategic support for innovative and informational changes in the national economy has been developed, within which the main reasons determining the implementation of innovative and informational changes and motivating their activation have been outlined, the direction of strategic initiatives for ensuring innovative and informational changes at the current stage of operation has been determined, a vision formulation has been proposed and the strategic goal of provision, the list of its components is considered. It was established that internal, external and individual reasons motivate subjects to implement changes. The results of the evaluation and typology of innovative and informational changes in the national economy are presented, which allowed us to come to the conclusion about the expediency of choosing the direction of strategic initiatives for the positional acceleration of innovative and informational changes. The practical significance of the constructed conceptual model is that with its use, strategic initiatives can be determined, which will allow, based on the activation of innovative and informational changes, to create conditions for qualitative transformations in the national economy.
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