Keywords: grants, EU grants, National Endowment for Democracy, funding for civil society organizations, democracy


The article examines the grant opportunities of the National Endowment for Democracy. It is noted that this fund is an independent non-profit organization that makes a significant contribution to supporting projects focused on the development and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world and in Ukraine in particular. It is demonstrated that grants from the National Endowment for Democracy are a flexible funding instrument that allows supporting projects even in the most difficult circumstances in the world and in Ukraine, as well as responding quickly when there is an opportunity for political change. Emphasis: the Foundation seeks to promote the development of a wide range of democratic institutions in Ukraine, including political parties, trade unions, free markets and business organizations, as well as those active civil society actors that promote human rights, independent media and the rule of law. The author outlines the range of priorities for which the Foundation provides grant funding: protection of human rights and the rule of law, support for freedom of information and independent media, dissemination of democratic ideas and values, ensuring accountability and transparency, support for civil society organizations, strengthening democratic political processes and institutions, promoting civic education, supporting democratic conflict resolution, supporting freedom of association, developing a market economy, etc. It is summarized that grants from the National Endowment for Democracy are a mechanism that promotes democratic initiatives in Ukraine; it is independent and complements the processes of financial support for the development and strengthening of democratic institutions both globally and in Ukraine. The article emphasizes that the implementation of the projects funded by the Foundation will help Ukraine to strengthen as a democratic state in Ukraine. In researching this topic, we referred to regulatory acts, tender documents of funds and grant programs, as well as to publications of scientists. The methods used in the study included description, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, as well as systemic and functional, etc.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M. (2024). GRANTS FROM THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY FOR UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (98), 51-54.